Update 5

The fifth update for gaiadon is here and it brings a new continent for you to explore.

New Additions in 0.5.0

  • New continent: Eredurn
  • 17 new enemies.
  • 17 new pets.
  • 3 new demon bosses.
  • 3 new titans.


  • Boss hunt rewards have been revised. Bosses now gives you levels instead of xp depending on the world and boss tier.
  • Changed color contrast for equipment and pet tooltips for better visibility.
  • Boss hunt timers are now visible properly.
  • Added boss hunt available bosses in the main window as an alert.
  • Added XP/Gold income/min in the main window (bottom left).
  • Heroes now have an outline that shows their rarity.
  • New setting: Turn on/off character shake.
  • New setting: Hide pet cards in inventory.
  • Pet Sorting: Pets are sorted in both collected and active list, Titans>Demons>Fiends>Champions>Elite>Normal.
  • Inventory sorting: Crafting resources > Tokens > others > pet cards.
  • Pets now have a max level: Normal pets cap at 25, Elite pets cap at 50, Champions at 75, Fiends 100, Demons 125 and Titans go till 200.
  • Active skills now show a countdown timer.

 Please let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas/feedback. Join our discord and drop a message (https://discord.gg/t6me7v4rn7 )



Gaiadon.exe 104 MB
50 days ago

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